I’m Pedro, and I've been working in graphic design for 10 years now. I enjoy any form of discourse and I’m into libre software.
Major Opportunities Technical Manager, Design Lead and Community Manager at the Collabora Online. Previously, I co-founded Portucalio, Festock and was the UX Architect at Juicymo and Graphic Design Lead at UNIT architekti.
Code & Collaboration
I strive to collaborate with open source projects as much as possible, and share what I work on under free and open licenses.
Browse contributions on GitHub
Browse LibreOffice contributions
Honors & Awards
Book of the Year (Lidove noviny) Certainties and doubts earned a nomination for Book of the Year, Lidove noviny. Certainties and doubts, 2015
Generative Systems in Art and Design “Pedro Pinto Silva is a great speaker who helped organizers to educate and entertain audience” by DevFest Prague, November 2014
Rio de Pétalas “Poetry book/ebook where the readers may listen their favorite poem while reading or maybe while falling asleep.” by Adobe InDesign Page, September 2013
Bezier Landscape
Bezier curves assume a structural dimension in the construction of these Moiré pattern
The Creators Project Gallery, January 2013
Unplug Interface studies for Unplug (fictitious brand): a website where you can build your own music calendar. Webdesign Served Gallery, January 2013